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The Little Nunavik Airplane

Author: Isabelle Larouche
Illustrator: Isabelle Charbonneau

The days get shorter in Nunavik, but the sun still radiates heat.
On the ground, prop to the wind, a small plane prepares for the heights.
“Ms. Weasel and Mr. Caribou, it’s time to take a seat.”
The pilot holds out a hand to his young helper. It’s his son’s first flight!


On a tour from Kangiqsualujjuaq to Kuujjuaraapik, the little Nunavik airplane welcomes the animals of the region on board. Follow their nordic adventures until their arrival, where a surprise awaits them!


A colorful and fun book to guide in the discovery of Nunavik, its fauna and its magnificent landscapes.

Children’s author Isabelle Larouche, who has a deep attachment to communities in the North, brought her publisher Marie Blanchard along with her to offer cultural mediation workshops to children. The latter was charmed in her turn, and was inspired to create this book. The two accomplices, very aware of the snares of cultural appropriation, did thorough research and surrounded themselves with valuable Nunavimmiut collaborators in order to accurately represent the identity of the villages in both text and images. They were privileged to work with Thomassie Mangiok from Ivujivik and Nancy Etok from Kangiqsualujjuaq, who gave their seal of approval to the project. And who would be the best placed to illustrate this little gem? Isabelle Charbonneau, of course!


Release date: Septembre 5th 2023
Size: 9.5 x 10.5 inches
Cover: hardcover
Number of pages : 48 pages
ISBN: 978-2-9819014-8-4
Price: 24,95 $
Type: Children’s Picture book
Target audience: From 3 years old
Themes : First peoples, Nunavik, animals, Inuit history and culture, nordic flora and fauna, airplane.

A companion document for parents and teachers

To find out everything about the cultural and historical references in the text, download the document by clicking on the image at the left.


Isabelle Larouche has years of experience teaching French as a second language in various Indigenous communities, in particular in Nunavik and Kanehsatà:ke. She writes to give new life to the stories she experienced during her childhood and her many encounters with First Nations.



Isabelle has been an illustrator and author of children’s books for over 20 years. Over time and with her training as a graphic designer, she naturally took the responsibility of coordinating the publishing projects of her clientele, accompanying them in the process of producing a book, from the idea to the release, from the book to the printer. It is with the assurance of her years of experience that she launches out this time in the production of her own book.
